LGC industrial partner in new UK Future Targeted Healthcare Manufacturing Hub

News - Hub will address manufacturing, business and regulatory challenges to ensure new targeted biological medicines can be developed quickly

20 June 2017
Successful French CIR accreditation renewal

News - Renewal benefits French customers

15 June 2017
Thirty years of European metrology collaboration

News - LGC represented at anniversary event in Madrid

09 June 2017
LGC Maine Standards announces release of VALIDATE® IBC linearity and calibration verification test kit

News - Addresses growing demand by laboratories to document Iron Binding Capacity linearity and calibration verification

05 June 2017
LGC hosts first UK User Group Meeting for ICP-QQQ-MS

News - Organised by our Inorganic Analysis team and attended by delegates from across UK

26 May 2017
LGC completes study to establish uptake of water during production of chicken meat, helping fight food fraud

News - Study follows previous work performed by LGC commissioned by the EC in 2012

03 May 2017
LGC Standards continuing to provide NMIA’s vital underpinning for quality in sports drug testing

News - Renewal allows customers continuing access to expanding range of specialist RMs

25 April 2017
LGC scientists recognised by Institute of Food Science & Technology

News - IFST is leading qualifying body for food professionals in Europe

20 April 2017
LGC acquires Axolabs and invests in GMP manufacturing capacity for therapeutic nucleic acids

News - Moves strengthen existing analytical and bioanalytical drug development service offering

03 April 2017
LGC’s Organic Analysis Team awarded extension to ISO17025 calibration scope: qNMR for purity

News - Supports qNMR facility in providing reference material characterisation and quantitative measurement research for customers

02 April 2017