Analysis for Innovators: How we can solve your measurement problem

博客 - LGC, in our role as the UK National Measurement Laboratory, partnered with Innovate UK to launch a new funding programme 'Analysis for Innovators' (A4I) last year.

Government Chemist publishes methods for the authentication of arthritis supplement

News (ZH) - LGC publishes review on definitive approaches for the authentication of supplement with a risk of serious adulteration

Science for a safer world

博客 - From our origins testing tobacco, alcohol and food products for adulteration in the 19thcentury, LGC has built a commitment to using science for a safer world.

LGC scientist invited on to IAEA Working Groups for Stable Isotope Reference Products

News (ZH) - Presented work developing our current and future reference materials certified for absolute carbon isotope ratios

Partnership between the Coconut Collaborative Ltd, LGC and STFC brings success to Innovate UK A4I Feasibility Project

News (ZH) - A4I programme provides companies with access to state-of-the-art measurement and analytical technologies

LGC adds new immunosuppressant certified reference material to our portfolio: human blood - sirolimus (ERM®-DA111a)

News (ZH) - Produced under our accreditation to ISO Guide 34 as a Reference Material Producer

LGC announces European measurement science funding success for 2017

News (ZH) - European funding to address challenge of ‘metrology for environment’ and ‘support for metrology impact’

LGC announces product enhancement to VALIDATE® THY linearity and calibration verification kit with addition of Free Triiodothyronine (FT3)

News (ZH) - Addresses growing demand by labs for a product to document Free Triiodothyronine linearity and calibration verification

Supporting new-born screening: LGC and NHS England Knowledge Transfer Partnership

News (ZH) - The UK National Measurement Laboratory at LGC are working in collaboration with Dr Rachel Carling, Consultant Clinical Scientist, Director of Service and Clinical Lead, Viapath, Guys & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, one of the first recipients of the NHS Chief Scientific Officer's Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP).

National Measurement Laboratory team awarded £2.25m ISCF funding

News (ZH) - Money will support the manufacture of future medicines through better measurement