Rediscover Measurement for Recovery to help your business

博客 - Last summer, the National Measurement Laboratory (NML) at LGC, alongside other National Measurement System Laboratories, launched Measurement for Recovery (M4R) to help companies across the UK to recover in the challenging economic environment resulting from COVID-19, by giving them access to the expertise and resources of the UK’s leading measurement science laboratories.

LGC welcomes new senior appointment 

News (ZH) - Judy Lewent joins Board as Non-Executive Director

LGC’s ultra-high throughput Nexar™ technology provides significant PCR testing capacity at Rosalind Franklin Laboratory

News (ZH) - Ultra-high throughput technology enables large-scale PCR testing in reposnse to global pandemic

Partnership to drive forward advances in measurement science

News (ZH) - Three-year strategic partnership aims to advance metrology research

LGC leads first international ring trial that demonstrates capability of laboratories to measure Cannabidiol and Controlled Cannabinoids in consumer products

News (ZH) - Jointly funded initiative by OPSS within BEIS, the FSA and the Home Office, and carried out in collaboration with FSS and the DSTL, and 35 laboratories

The 2021 Government Chemist Conference, beginning today, will explore the challenge of ensuring safe food for tomorrow’s world

博客 - Conference outlines how food safety, authenticity and sustainability impact on life quality and health outcomes

TNAC wins Best COVID-19 Responder award

News (ZH) - Awarded for efforts in supporting research and development of diagnostics and vaccines for COVID-19

LGC connects the dots of supply chain assurance with launch of LGC ASSURE

News (ZH) - Four LGC brands come under the LGC ASSURE to offer a connected series of supply chain assurance solutions across critical touchpoints

Mike Rogers awarded MBE in Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2021

News (ZH) - Assistant Director in LGC's Grant Management Group awarded MBE for services to Covid-19 Research Funding

LGC releases clinical diagnostic quality solution for SARS-CoV-2 variant analysis

News (ZH) - Kit contains full SARS-CoV-2 genomic RNA with focus on S-gene mutations in three prominent variants of concern