January 2021

National Measurement Laboratory at LGC has expanded its portfolio of reference materials

The UK’s National Measurement Laboratory (NML) at LGC has expanded its portfolio of reference materials to include a new material, LGC7113, which is a fruit squash characterised for sulfur dioxide (SO2) content, traceable to the SI (International System of Units).

Sulfur dioxide is a permitted additive used in the production of food and drink which acts as a preservative and antioxidant, and makes products last longer. Sulfur dioxide concentrations are limited to ensure food safety for the consumer; it is permitted in different concentrations depending upon the food type. This additive is regulated under European Regulation No 1333/2008, with a consolidated version from 28 October 2020.

The new Reference Material has a concentration of 255 ± 41 mg/L, prepared at a level similar to the regulatory limit for flavoured drink concentrates based on fruit juice or comminuted fruit (250 mg/kg). The production of LGC7113 is within the scope of LGC’s ISO 17034:2016 accreditation. The material can be used by labs that carry out analysis on drink samples to evaluate their methodology and provide an on-going assessment of their measurement of sulfur dioxide concentration.   

Despite the regulatory requirements there aren’t many reference materials or quality control materials like this on the market. The material produced by our Reference Materials team will address that need, helping laboratories carry out analysis in these kinds of beverages, and ultimately ensuring safer products for consumers.

You can find more information about this reference material in the latest catalogue.

The fruit squash is available to purchase from LGC Standards (reference number LGC7113).