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The NML & Analysis for Innovators: back for Round 3!

News - The latest round of the A4I programme from Innovate UK has now opened with up to £3M is available in total. After initial free brokered technical consultancy sessions, de-minimus and matched grant funding options will be available for successful Round 3 A4I projects.

23 August 2018
Partnership between the Coconut Collaborative Ltd, LGC and STFC brings success to Innovate UK A4I Feasibility Project

News - A4I programme provides companies with access to state-of-the-art measurement and analytical technologies

07 February 2018
Analysis for Innovators: How we can solve your measurement problem

Blog - LGC, in our role as the UK National Measurement Laboratory, partnered with Innovate UK to launch a new funding programme 'Analysis for Innovators' (A4I) last year.

16 February 2018
Analysis for Innovators: Supporting industry

Blog - Through the Analysis for Innovators (A4I) partnership, the Coconut Collaborative had access to innovative and advanced measurement and analytical technologies at both the National Measurement Laboratory (NML) and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) to assess the feasibility of developing an approach to detect rancid coconut cream

15 October 2018